Streaming local content

With AllVideos Reloaded, it possible for everyone to stream media which previously has been uploaded using either Joomla!s standard method or a dedicated meida manager. This option can be helpful for a lot of reasons. For example, imagine a company website that needs to display company videos without any "YouTube" logos! Another possible situation could be the contiguous downtime of some providers which leave you with a blank space in your website.

Supported file formats

You can upload on your Joomla! website almost any type of video format used today on the web. From Windows Media to QuickTime, Flash, DivX or Real Media and of course MP3!

So, how would you add video (or audio) files that you just uploaded to your content, using the AllVideos Reloaded Plugin? Simple!

Before you start, you should create your master video- and audio- folders. If you kept the defaults in the plugin's parameters, then these folders must be named videos resp. audio and must be located in your local site's images directory. (With Joomla! 1.5, this directory is configurable in the Tab "System Settings" of the Global Configuration.) If you use the predefined defaults, you end up in using ROOT/images/stories/videos resp.ROOT/images/stories/audio. After uploading some videos holiday.flv and party.avi into the videos folder, you then can create video frames in your content, by simply writing {flv}holiday{/flv} resp. {avi}party{/avi}. Please note: The file path is prepended automatically and the file extension (always lowercase!) is appended automatically by the plugin. If you are filling up your videos folder, you might want to organize your media into subfolders, so if - for example - you got a file named ROOT/images/stories/videos/holiday2007/film1.flv, the corresponding text would be: {flv}holiday2007/film1{/flv}. Got the idea? Ok. From now on, we will refer to that text string as tag in this documentation. The following table shows the supported file formats for local streaming and the corresponding tags to be used:

FormatTag to usePlayer being usedRemarks
Flash video {flv}name{/flv} JW Media Player The most recommended format for multimedia web content. The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .flv) is appended automatically.
Shockwave flash video {swf}name{/swf} JW Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .swf) is appended automatically.
Flash animation {flash}name{/flash} - This tag can be used to embed native and interactive flash animations (.swf) which do not work with the{swf}tag. The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .swf) is appended automatically.
MP3 Audio {mp3}name{/mp3} JW Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .swf) is appended automatically. The size of the player is reduced to show the control bar only. In order to play properly, the MP3 media must be encoded with constant bitrate (CBR) and using a sample frequency of 11, 22, 33 or 44 kHz. This limitation is imposed by using Flash in general, not a limitation of JW Media Player!
3GP mobile media {3gp}name{/3gp} JW Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .3gp) is appended automatically.
RBS Audio {rbs}name{/rbs} JW Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .rbs) is appended automatically.
Any of the above {auto}name.flv{/auto} JW Media Player Automatic file type recognition by JW Media Player. The path is prepended automatically, the file extension has to be provided inside the tag.
Mpeg4 H.264 {m4v}name{/m4v} JW Media Player The path is is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase m4v) is appended automatically.
Windows Media Video {wmv}name{/wmv} Windows Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .wmv) is appended automatically. Due to the fact, that there is a huge amount of different codecs available, you never can predict, if a specific file will be playable at a specific client.
Windows Media Audio {wma}name{/wma} Windows Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .wma) is appended automatically.
AVI {avi}name{/avi} Windows Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .avi) is appended automatically. Due to the fact, that there is a huge amount of different codecs available, you never can predict, if a specific file will be playable at a specific client.
MPEG {mpg}name{/mpg} Windows Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .mpg) is appended automatically.
MPEG {mpeg}name{/mpeg} Windows Media Player The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .mpeg) is appended automatically.
QuickTime {mov}name{/mov} Apple Quicktime The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .mov) is appended automatically.
MP4 {mp4}name{/mp4} Apple Quicktime The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .mp4) is appended automatically.
Real Media {rm}name{/rm} RealPlayer The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .rm) is appended automatically.
Real Media (Audio) {ram}name{/ram} RealPlayer The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .ram) is appended automatically.
Real Media (Video) {rv}name{/rv} RealPlayer The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .rv) is appended automatically.
DivX {divx}name{/divx} DivX webPlayer The path is prepended automatically and the file extension (lowercase .divx) is appended automatically.

For all of the above listed tags, there exists a secondary variant which does not prepend the path automatically and does not append any extension. (In other words: uses the name as is). This variant can be used both for streaming local and remote media. You use this variant by appending the word remoteto the original tag. E.g:{flvremote}http://www.yoursite.com/images/stories/videos/name.flv{/flvremote}


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